*Za podroben opis klikni na naslov predstave
*For detailed description click on the title of the performance
PETEK, 25. junij 2021
17:30 |
Kotna razdalja nebesnega telesa Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana |
18:45 |
Center kulture Španski borci |
21:00 |
Tereza Lenerová & Floex and coll (CZ) Center kulture Španski borci |
SOBOTA, 26. junij 2021
12:30, 14:00 |
Springback Ringside in Oder360
Collective Dope, Jenna Jalonen (B)
Športna dvorana Tabor |
16:00 |
SLAČENJE/OBLAČENJE Gibljiva slika Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (Veliki oder) |
16:30 |
Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (Šentjakobski oder) |
17:30 |
Fabianijev most |
19:30 |
Frédéric Werlé, Jurij Konjar, George Mxolisi Khumalo, Alexandros Stavropoulos Kongresni trg |
22:00 |
Kongresni trg |
NEDELJA, 27. junij 2021
12:30, 14:00 |
Rhys Dennis, Waddah Sinada / Fubunation (GB) Cankarjev dom |
16:00 |
Tivolski grad (stopnišče) |
17:30 |
Plesna navodila (Ne bo vedno tako) Cankarjev dom (Gallusova dvorana) |
19:00 |
Emese Cuhorka & Csaba Molnár (H) Center kulture Španski borci |
21:00 |
Stvari se premikajo, vendar nič ne rečejo Center kulture Španski borci |
FRIDAY, 25 June 2021
17:30 |
The angular distance of a celestial body The Old Power Station - Elektro Ljubljana |
18:45 |
Španski Borci Cultural Centre |
21:00 |
Tereza Lenerová & Floex and coll (CZ) Španski Borci Cultural Centre |
SATURDAY, 26 June 2021
12:30, 14:00 |
Springback Ringside and Stage360
Collective Dope, Jenna Jalonen (B) BEAT ‘I just wish to feel you’
Tabor Sport Hall |
16:00 |
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (Grand stage) |
16:30 |
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (Šentjakob stage) |
17:30 |
Fabiani Bridge |
19:30 |
Frédéric Werlé, Jurij Konjar, George Mxolisi Khumalo, Alexandros Stavropoulos Congress Square |
22:00 |
Congress Square |
SUNDAY, 27 June 2021
12:30, 14:00 |
Rhys Dennis, Waddah Sinada / Fubunation (GB) Cankarjev dom |
16:00 |
Tivoli Castle (staircase) |
17:30 |
Tanzanweisungen (it won't be like this forever) Cankarjev dom (Gallus Hall) |
19:00 |
Emese Cuhorka & Csaba Molnár (H) Španski Borci Cultural Centre |
21:00 |
Things Move but they do not say anything Španski Borci Cultural Centre |
Prizorišča / Venues
*Klikni na povezavo/Click the link
Center kulture Španski borci / Španski Borci Cultural Centre
Kongresni trg / Congress Square
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana / The Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana
Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana / Ljubljana Puppet Theatre
Stopnišče pod Tivolskim gradom / Tivoli Castle staircase
Športna dvorana Tabor / Tabor Sport Hall
Fabianijev most / Fabiani Bridge
Kontakt /Contact
Zavod EN-KNAP / EN-KNAP Productions
Odnosi z javnostmi in trženje / Public relations and marketing
Nina Smerkol
m: +386 (0) 51 214 400
Blagajna Španski borci / Španski Borci Box Office
t: +386 (0)1 620 87 90
Uradne ure / Working hours
Pon-pet:17:00-19:00 in uro pred pričetkom prireditve / Mon-Fri: 5 pm - 7 pm, and an hour before events
Festivalska vstopnica / Festival Pass
25 EUR
Festivalsko vstopnico lahko kupite na blagajni Centra kulture Španski borci v delovnem času blagajne in na spletni strani www.mojekarte.si. S festivalsko vstopnico lahko na dan dogodka na blagajni prizorišča prevzamete vstopnico za posamezni dogodek.
Festival Pass is available for purchase at the Španski Borci Cultural Centre box office during opening hours and at www.mojekarte.si. With your Festival Pass you can pick up tickets for each individual show at the specific venue box office on the day of the performance.
Vstopnica za posamezen dogodek / Ticket for a single performance
Vstopnico lahko kupite na dan dogodka na blagajni prizorišča v delovnem času blagajne.
Število vstopnic za Springback Ringside je omejeno na 25, zato je ogled predstave mogoč zgolj ob predhodni rezervaciji na goran.pakozdi@en-knap.com.
Vsi dogodki na prostem so brezplačni.
You can buy tickets for individual shows on the day of the performance at the specific venue box office during opening hours.
The number of tickets for Springback Ringside is limited to 25, so viewing the show is only possible with prior reservation at goran.pakozdi@en-knap.com.
All outdoor events have no admission charge.
Vstop na prireditve je mogoč pod pogoji vladnih odlokov, ki so v veljavi na dan dogodka.
Admission to the event is possible under the terms of government regulations which are in effect on the day of the event.
PETEK, 25. junij 2021 / FRIDAY, 25 June 2021
Alessandro Carboni (I)
Kotna razdalja nebesnega telesa / The Angular Distance of a Celestial Body
Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana / The Old Power Station - Elektro Ljubljana
40 min
Kotna razdalja nebesnega telesa je razmislek o postopku kartiranja, ki je videti kot pomanjšana podoba zemeljske površine in dogodkov, ki se odvijajo na njej. Da bi prikazal zapletenost sveta, Alessandro Carboni na zemljevidih uporabljene grafične znake nadomesti s telesom. Na odru na tla postavi geometrijsko strukturo, ob njej pa si nasproti po diagonali stojita dve simetrični telesi, oblečeni v kostum, navdahnjen z različnimi karnevalskimi motivi. Gibom teh likov sledi zvočna kulisa, ki se razvije v odmev neuresničljive ambicije po nadzoru sveta.
Alessandro Carboni je umetnik, ki je na področju upodabljajočih umetnosti dejaven kot koreograf in izvajalec. Po večletnem nabiranju izkušenj na področju vizualnih umetnosti, kreativnih medijev in uprizoritvene umetnosti je razvil interdisciplinarno prakso, osredotočeno na produkcijo projektov uprizoritev in instalacij, pri katerih sodelujejo strokovnjaki iz različnih panog. Alessandro svoja dela mednarodno predstavlja v muzejih, umetniških galerijah, na festivalih sodobnega plesa in gledaliških festivalih ter v nekonvencionalnih prostorih. Kot predan učitelj je o svojih ugotovitvah predaval na številnih uglednih akademskih in neakademskih ustanovah. Njegove projekte podpira neodvisna produkcijska hiša Formati Sensibili, ki pripravlja projekte umetniškega raziskovanja in praks.
Koncept, koreografija in vizualna zasnova: Alessandro Carboni
Izvedba: Ana Luisa Gomes and Loredana Tarnovschi
Kostumi: DEM
Glasba: Danilo Casti
Produkcija: Formati Sensibili 2018
S prispevkom TIR Danza / Podpora: Città delle 100 Scale Festival, ATER-Circuito Regionale Multidisciplinare, Santarcangelo Dei Teatri, H(abita)T- Rete di Spazi per la Danza, Sementerie Artistiche, l’Arboreto-Teatro Dimora Mondaino
The Angular Distance of a Celestial Body is a reflection on the mapping process, which is seen as a reduced representation of the Earth’s surface and the events that occur on it. To reclaim the complexity of the world, Alessandro Carboni replaces the graphic signs used on maps with the body. On stage he places a geometric structure on the floor counterposed by two symmetrical bodies disguised in a montage of carnival inspired costumes. The actions of these figures lead, and are followed, by the soundscape, developing into an echo of the futile ambition to control the world.
Alessandro Carboni is an artist whose practice is situated within the performing arts field as a choreographer and performer. After several years of practice in the field of visual arts, creative media and performance art, he has developed an interdisciplinary practice focused on the production of performative and installation projects with the collaboration of professionals from different disciplines. Alessandro presents his works internationally at museums, art galleries, contemporary dance and theatre festivals, as well as in unconventional spaces. As a committed teacher, he has been lecturing on his findings at numerous distinguished academic and non-academic institutions. His projects are supported by Formati Sensibili, an independent production company which shapes projects of artistic research and practices.
Concept, choreography and visual conception: Alessandro Carboni
Performance: Ana Luisa Gomes and Loredana Tarnovschi
Costumes: DEM
Music: Danilo Casti
Production: Formati Sensibili 2018
With the contribution of TIR Danza
Support of: Città delle 100 Scale Festival, ATER-Circuito Regionale Multidisciplinare, Santarcangelo Dei Teatri, H(abita)T- Rete di Spazi per la Danza, Sementerie Artistiche, l’Arboreto-Teatro Dimora Mondaino
PETEK, 25. junij 2021 / FRIDAY, 25 June 2021
Viktor Černický (CZ)
Center kulture Španski borci / Španski Borci Cultural Centre
40 min
Projekt PLI združuje 22 konferenčnih stolov, obsesivni ritem in enega predanega moškega. Na majhni platformi se Viktor Černický odločno loti poskusa nedoločene konstrukcije, rekonstrukcije in dekonstrukcije Univerzuma. Rezultat je inteligentna in igriva solo predstava – fizična metafora za neskončno človeško dinamiko, potrpežljivost in stremljenje, ki tudi povsem običajne predmete spreminja v neverjetna arhitekturna dela.
PLI sledi baročni filozofiji Gottfrieda Willhelma Leibniza in je nepredvidljiva in humorna predstava, ki baročno robustnost nadomešča s prostorsko skromnostjo in materialnim minimalizmom.
Viktor Černický ustvarja dela, ki prehajajo tanko črto med plesom, nastopom, cirkusom in fizičnim gledališčem. Je vodja dolgoročnega raziskovalnega projekta The Body as Object/The Object as Body (Telo kot predmet/predmet kot telo), ki raziskuje dinamiko odnosa med predmeti in individualnostjo izvajalca.
S svojo prvo samostojno predstavo PAROLAPOLEA si je prislužil nominacije v kategorijah plesalec leta in plesni nastop leta na Češki plesni platformi leta 2017, kjer je dobil priložnost, da na festivalu B-Motion Festival v Bassanu del Grappaza sodeluje pri projektu Choreographic Research Week (teden koreografskih raziskav). Za svoje zadnje solistično delo, PLI, ki ga je po dveh letih dela predstavil leta 2018, je na Češki plesni platformi leta 2019 prejel nagrado občinstva in glavno nagrado.
Poleg ustvarjanja lastnih del pa je sodeloval in nastopal tudi z umetniki, kot so Jaro Viňarský, Dominique Boivin, Daniel Gulko in Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté ter drugimi. Trenutno pripravlja novo delo z naslovom Prima: A collective autoportrait (Prima: kolektivni avtoportret) (delovni naslov), v katero bo namesto profesionalnih izvajalcev vključil javnost.
Koncept, koreografija in izvedba: Viktor Černický
Oblikovanje svetlobe: Zuzana Režná
Dramaturgija: Lukáš Karásek
Oblikovanje prostora / Tehnična produkcija: Drahomír Stulír
Koprodukcija: TANEC PRAHA/ PONEC – dance venue
Premiera: 11. november 2018, PONEC – dance venue
V sodelovanju z: TANEC PRAHA/ PONEC – dance venue (CZ), BuranTeatr Brno (CZ), CNK Záhrada Banská Bystrica (SK), Théâtre De L'arsenal Val-de-Reuil (FR), CIRQUEON Praha (CZ), Alfréd ve dvoře Teater (CZ), Studio Alta in Festival Bazaar (CZ), Pôtoň Teater (SK), Festival Kiosk (SK), CSC – Centro per la Scena Contemporanea Bassano del Grappa (IT)
S finančno podporo Ministrstva za kulturo Republike Češke in Mesta Brno.
PLI brings together 22 conference chairs, obsessive rhythm, and one devoted man. On a small platform, Viktor Černický dives resolutely into infinite construction, reconstruction, and deconstruction of the universe. The outcome is a clever and playful solo, a physical metaphor for endless human dynamics, patience and striving that turns even the most ordinary objects into incredible pieces of architecture.
Inspired by the baroque philosopher Gottfried Willhelm Leibniz’ physics principles, PLI is an unpredictable and humorous performance where robustness is replaced with spatial simplicity and material minimalism.
Viktor Černický creates works which span the fine line between dance, performance, circus, and physical theatre. He leads the long-term research project The Body as Object / The Object as Body, which explores the dynamics of relationships between objects and the individuality of the performer.
His first solo performance PAROLAPOLEA earned nominations in the categories of Dancer of the Year and Dance Performance of the Year at the 2017 Czech Dance Platform, where he won the chance to participate in the Choreographic Research Week during the B-Motion Festival in Bassano del Grappa. His latest solo piece PLI, presented in November 2018 after two years of work, received the Audience Award and Total Award at the Czech Dance Platform 2019.
Alongside his own work, he has also collaborated and performed with Jaro Viňarský, Dominique Boivin, Daniel Gulko and Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté, among others. He is currently working on a new piece Prima: A collective autoportrait (working title) in which the public will be engaged instead of professional performers.
Concept, choreography and performance: Viktor Černický
Lighting design: Zuzana Režná
Dramaturgy: Lukáš Karásek
Set Design / Technical production: Drahomír Stulír
Co-production: TANEC PRAHA/ PONEC – dance venue
Premiere: 11th November 2018, PONEC – dance venue
In collaboration with: TANEC PRAHA/ PONEC – dance venue (CZ), BuranTeatr Brno (CZ), CNK Záhrada Banská Bystrica (SK), Théâtre De L'arsenal Val-de-Reuil (FR), CIRQUEON Praha (CZ), Alfréd ve dvoře Theatre (CZ), Studio Alta and Festival Bazaar (CZ), Pôtoň Theatre (SK), Festival Kiosk (SK), CSC – Centro per la Scena Contemporanea Bassano del Grappa (IT)
Financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and The City of Brno.
PETEK, 25. junij 2021 / FRIDAY, 25 June 2021
Tereza Lenerová & Floex and coll (CZ)
Ne odnehaj / Don’t Stop
Center kulture Španski borci / Španski Borci Cultural Centre
35 min
Tereza Lenerová se v svojem solističnem delu Ne odnehaj ukvarja z neotipljivimi svetovi glasbe, strasti in čutnosti. V želji, da bi nadzorovala glasbo kot dirigent, za katerega se zdi, da drži ključ do tega sveta, se plesalka bori z glasbo v živo – s strastjo – ki njeno fizično izražanje na videz obvladuje v disharmoniji.
Skozi ta razburljivi solistični nastop se Lenerová sprašuje kdaj in kako v svojem življenju prevzamemo vlogo dirigenta; v kolikšni meri strast nadzorujemo mi in kdaj strast prevzame nadzor nad nami. Kdo je dirigent v nas?
Tereza Lenerová (Hradilková) je češka plesalka in koreografinja. Diplomirala je na gledališki šoli v Amsterdamu in se pozneje preselila v New York, kjer je nabirala izkušnje kot plesalka. Sodelovala je z različnimi koreografi na Češkem in v tujini. Njeno prvo plesno delo, duet Variable (Spremenljivka), ki ga je ustvarila in v njem nastopila skupaj z Einat Ganz, je mreža Aerowaves izbrala za festival Spring Forward leta 2011, kjer je bilo prvič predstavljeno.
Ker je želela eksperimentiranje še poglobiti, je Lenerová v Pragi soustanovila Studio Truhlárna. Tam je ustvarila svoje uspešno solistično delo Swish (Švist), ki ga je mednarodna žirija Češke plesne platforme 2017 prepoznala za »Plesno delo leta«.
Delo Ne odnehaj je bilo premierno predstavljeno v gledališču PONEC v Pragi, kjer ga je žirija Češke plesne platforme še posebej izpostavila. Lenerovo so s predstavo Ne odnehaj vabili na različne festivale, med drugim Les Plateaux 2019, NORMA festival Ostrava in TANEC PRAHA.
Floex (Tomáš Dvořák) je češki klarinetist, producent in multimedijski umetnik. Floex v svoji glasbi ustvarja edinstveno vzdušje, s katerim raziskuje možnosti med zvočnima svetovoma elektronike in akustike. Njegova diskografija obsega 10 albumov, vključno s svetovno znanima albumoma Machinarium OST ali Zorya. Med nedavnim sodelovanjem z britanskim skladateljem Tomom Hodgejem pri albumu A Portrait Of John Doe (2018 UK Decca Classics/Mercury KX) je Floex ustvaril novo raven sinergije, kjer se klasična glasba in radikalna avantgardna elektronika spojita v edinstven organski svet.
Koncept, koreografija in izvedba: Tereza Lenerová (Hradilková)
Glasba: Floex, Antonio Vivaldi
Oblikovanje svetlobe: Zuzana Hugo Režná
Lučni tehnik: Jan Hejzlar
Kostumi: Marjetka Kürner Kalous
Dramaturški svetovalec: Lukáš Jiřička
Vodja skupine: Veronika Hladká
Producent: Jakub Hradilek
Koprodukcija: Tanec Praha / PONEC – dance venue, Studio Truhlárna, Centre national de la dance Pantin, Czech Centre Paris, Plum Yard
S podporo: Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Češke, Mesto Praga, Fundacija Život umělce
Posebne zahvale: Jan Horák
Zahvale: Jean Gaudin, Fabienne Haber
Tereza Lenerová tackles the intangible worlds of music, passion, and sensuality in her solo Don’t Stop. Eager to control music like a conductor, who appears to hold the key to that world, the dancer struggles with live music –passion– dominating her physical expression, apparently, in disharmony.
Throughout this electrifying solo, Lenerová inquires when and how we assume the role of conductor in our lives; to what extent do we have passion under control and when does passion have control over us. Who is the conductor within us?
Tereza Lenerová (Hradilková) is a Czech dancer and choreographer. Lenerová graduated from The Theaterschool Amsterdam and later on moved to New York City, where she gained some experience as a dancer. She has collaborated with several choreographers in the Czech Republic and abroad. Her first dance piece, the duet Variable, created and performed with Einat Ganz, was selected by Aerowaves and presented at the first Spring Forward festival in 2011.
In order to experiment further, Lenerová co-founded Studio Truhlárna in Prague. There, she created her successful solo piece Swish, which was recognised as the “Dance Piece of the Year” by the international jury of the Czech Dance Platform 2017 .
Don’t Stop premiered at PONEC theatre in Prague, and received a Special mention by the jury of the Czech Dance Platform. Lenerová has been invited to perform Don’t Stop at festivals such as Les Plateaux 2019, NORMA festival Ostrava and TANEC PRAHA.
Floex (Tomáš Dvořák) is a Czech clarinetist, producer and multimedia artist. In his music Floex creates a unique atmosphere exploring the possibilities between electronic and acoustic sound worlds. His discography contains 10 albums including the world renowned Machinarium OST or Zorya. In his recent collaboration with the British composer Tom Hodge in the album A Portrait Of John Doe (2018 UK Decca Classics / Mercury KX), Floex creates a new level of synergy where classical music and radical avant-garde electronic blends into a unique organic world.
Concept, choreography and performance: Tereza Lenerová (Hradilková)
Music: Floex, Antonio Vivaldi
Lighting design: Zuzana Hugo Režná
Lighting technician: Jan Hejzlar
Costume: Marjetka Kürner Kalous
Dramaturgical consultant: Lukáš Jiřička
Company manager: Veronika Hladká
Producer: Jakub Hradilek
Co-production: Tanec Praha / PONEC – dance venue, Studio Truhlárna, Centre national de la dance Pantin, Czech Centre Paris, Plum Yard
Supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, City of Prague, Foundation Život umělce
Special thanks: Jan Horák
Thanks: Jean Gaudin, Fabienne Haber
SOBOTA, 26. junij 2021 / SATURDAY, 26 June 2021
12:30, 14:00
Springback Ringside in Oder360
Collective Dope, Jenna Jalonen
UTRIP “Želim te samo čutiti” / BEAT ‘I just wish to feel you’
Iztok Kovač / EN-KNAP
Predstavitev projekta Oder360 / Stage360 project presentation
Športna dvorana Tabor / Tabor Sport Hall
60 min
UTRIP “Želim te samo čutiti” / BEAT ‘I just wish to feel you’
Vse v življenju obstaja zaradi energijskih valov. Te vibracije ustvarjajo ritme, ki nam dajejo zagon in poživljajo srce. Delujemo z istim tempom, istim utripom, povezujejo nas gibanje in dotiki. Kaj pa se zgodi takrat, ko »utrip« izgine?
Tukaj sta Jenna in Jonas. Plesalka sodobnega plesa in plesalec breakdanca, ki spretno in disciplinirano telo skupaj dekodirata v nov način gibanja in partnerskega sodelovanja. Aktiven in pasiven. Manipulator in tisti, ki je manipuliran. »Živo« in »mrtvo telo«.
Na odru se jima pridruži zvočni umetnik Adrian Newgent, ki v dialogu s plesalcema ustvarja živo zvočno kuliso. UTRIP »Želim te samo čutiti« je neverjetno fizičen, surov, a hkrati intimen in ganljiv duet o človeških odnosih.
Collective Dope je kolektiv za sodobni ples in upodabljajoče umetnosti, ki sta ga skupaj ustanovili in ga vodita Jenna Jalonen in Nóra Hotváth, ki privabljata in sodelujeta z drugimi umetniki iz različnih okolij, ki se ukvarjajo z različnimi oblikami umetnosti.
Jenna Jalonen (Finska), znana tudi kot Triplejay, je bila rojena na Finskem, izobraževala se je na Madžarskem, trenutno pa prebiva v Belgiji in na Madžarskem. Po študiju klasičnega baleta na Finski nacionalni akademiji za opero in balet in Madžarski plesni akademiji v Budimpešti se je preusmerila na področje sodobnega plesa in upodabljajočih umetnosti. Od leta 2010 je plesala in sodelovala z več mednarodnimi skupinami in koreografi, kot so Eva Duda Dance Co., Central Europe Dance Theater, Kubilai Khan Investigations, Kwaad bloed/Ugo Dehaes, fABULEUS, Thierry de Mey, Theater Bremen, Máté Mészáros, Untamed Productions, Notch Company/Oriane Varak in HODWORKS. Produkcija Long time no see! (Dolgo se že nismo videli), ki jo je ustvarila skupaj z Beatrix Simkó, je bila del uradnega programa na festivalu Festival d’Avignon leta 2018 in ena od izbranih produkcij na festivalu Twenty19 Spring Forward mreže Aerowaves. Jenna Jalonen poučuje in razvija »triplewave«, gibalno tehniko, ki plesalca vabi na izlet – meditativno in fizično popotovanje – z uporabo mehanike valovanja v telesu, ki jo ustvarja z različnimi plesnimi slogi in telesno dinamiko. V svojih umetniških delih nenehno raziskuje skrajno telesnost zavestnega in nezavestnega telesa, »mrtvega telesa« v gibanju. Zunaj studia in odra pa je Jenna tudi soustanoviteljica in voditeljica kolektiva Collective Dope.
Ustvarjanje in izvedba: Jenna Jalonen (FI), Jonas Garrido Verwerft (BE)
Koncept in režija: Jenna Jalonen
Glasba v živo: Adrian Newgent (NL)
Oblikovanje svetlobe: Miklós Mervel
Asistentka produkcije: Janka Vámos
Vodja turneje: György Ujvári-Pintér
Produkcija: Collective Dope
Koprodukcija: Workshop Foundation (HU), Straatrijk (BE)
S podporo: STUK House for Dance, Image & Sound, Life Long Burning, Ultima Vez, Stad Leuven, SÍN Arts Centre, Eva Duda Dance Company / Movein Studio, Cirk la Putyika / Jatka78, EMMI, Trafo House of Contemporary Arts
Umetnico Jenno Jalonen podpira: Viktor Fülöp Scholarship
Kustos Springback Ringside: Enya Belak
Vodja fotografije za Springback Ringside: Igor Crnković (Pilot Media)
Everything in life exists thanks to energy waves. These vibrations create the rhythms that drive us and make our hearts beat. We share the same pace, the same pulse, we are connected through movement and touch. But what happens when the “beat” disappears?
Here is Jenna and here is Jonas. A contemporary dancer and a b-boy, who decode the skilled and disciplined body into a new way of movement and partnering. The active and the passive. The manipulator and the manipulated one. “The living-body” and “the dead-body”.
The sound artist Adrian Newgent joins them on stage composing live soundscape in dialogue with the dancers. BEAT ‘I just wish to feel you’ is an incredibly physical, raw, yet intimate and touching duet about human relations.
Collective Dope is a contemporary dance and performing arts collective founded and led by Jenna Jalonen and Nóra Hotváth, who invite and collaborate with other artists from different backgrounds and art forms.
Jenna Jalonen (FI) aka triplejay was born in Finland, educated in Hungary and currently based in Belgium and Hungary. After her studies in classical ballet at the Finnish National Opera Ballet School and Hungarian Dance Academy in Budapest, she changed to the field of contemporary dance and performing arts. She has danced and collaborated with several international companies and choreographers since 2010 such as Eva Duda Dance Co., Central Europe Dance Theater, Kubilai Khan Investigations, Kwaad bloed/Ugo Dehaes, fABULEUS, Thierry de Mey, Theater Bremen, Máté Mészáros, Untamed Productions, Notch Company/Oriane Varak and HODWORKS. Together with Beatrix Simkó their production Long time no see! was part of the official program at Festival d’Avignon 2018 and was one of the selected productions at Aerowaves Twenty19 Spring Forward. She teaches and is developing triplewave, a movement practice inviting the dancer to go on a trip –a meditative and physical journey– using the mechanics of a wave in the body through different dance styles and dynamics in the body. In her artistic work she is continuously researching the extreme physicality of the conscious and unconscious body, the “dead body’ in movement. Outside of studio and stage, Jenna is the co-founder and driver of Collective Dope.
Creation and performance: Jenna Jalonen (FI), Jonas Garrido Verwerft (BE)
Concept and direction: Jenna Jalonen
Live music: Adrian Newgent (NL)
Light design: Miklós Mervel
Production assistant: Janka Vámos
Tour management: György Ujvári-Pintér
Production: Collective Dope
Co-Production: Workshop Foundation (HU), Straatrijk (BE)
Supported by: STUK House for Dance, Image & Sound, Life Long Burning, Ultima Vez, Stad Leuven, SÍN Arts Centre, Eva Duda Dance Company / Movein Studio, Cirk la Putyika / Jatka78, EMMI, Trafo House of Contemporary Arts
The artist Jenna Jalonen is supported by : Viktor Fülöp Scholarship
Springback Ringside Director: Enya Belak
Springback Ringside Cinematographer: Igor Crnković (Pilot Media)
Predstavitev projekta Oder360 / Stage360 project presentation
V sklopu projekta Oder360 bo Iztok Kovač, koreograf in umetniški vodja zavoda EN-KNAP predstavil odlomke predstav, kjer je gledalec iz avditorija pomaknjen na sredino odra, v središče plesnega dogajanja. Projekt Oder360 je v okviru mreže partnerjev Centra za Kreativnost omogočil petim izbranim ustvarjalcem adaptacijo njihovih del v 360° okolju.
Iztok Kovač, choreographer and artistic director of EN-KNAP Productions will present the Stage360 project with selected excerpts from performances where the spectator is placed from the auditorium to the middle of the stage, to the center of the choreography. Stage360, within the network of partners of the Center for Creativity, enabled five selected artists to adapt their works in a 360 ° environment.
SOBOTA, 26. junij 2021 / SATURDAY, 26 June 2021
Masako Matsushita (I)
SLAČENJE/OBLAČENJE Gibljiva slika / UN/DRESS Moving painting
Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (Veliki oder) / Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (Grand stage)
25 min
Solistična predstava Masako Matsushita je proučevanje vloge ženskih oblačil in telesa v sodobni družbi. Z osredotočanjem na »pot blaga« opisuje naravni način oblačenja in slačenja. Telo, ki je izrazito prisotno, a hkrati odsotno, je osrednja točka združevanja, ožina, ki povezuje in razširja obzorja ter predstavlja prehod. SLAČENJE/OBLAČENJE je metaforična predstava, ki izhaja iz zlitja telesa in objekta znotraj gibljive slike.
Italijansko-japonska izvajalka in koreografinja Masako Matsushita ustvarja svetove in atmosfere za proučevanje prisotnosti telesa v času in prostoru. Njena dela skozi povezovanje kultur in estetike z njeno metodo izgradnje struktur postanejo gibljive slike.
V Evropi in tudi drugod v tujini je delovala kot rezidenčna umetnica, predstavljala svoja lastna dela, sodelovala pa je tudi z drugimi umetniki na festivalih, vključno s festivali CivitanovaDanza 2.0 IT, Revnedans e Sånafest (Norveška), Drodesera35° Motherlode (Italija), 16° Quadriennale d'Arte di Roma (Italija), Kilowatt Festival (Italija), The Erotic Cloth (Združeno kraljestvo), Swallowsfeet (Združeno kraljestvo), Neu/Now (Nizozemska), ITS (Nizozemska), Festival Ammutinamenti (Italija), B-motion (Italija), Haut Festival (Danska). Masako je pripravila tudi koreografije del za prizorišča in namenske prostore. Je tudi ena od ustanoviteljic umetniške galerije 4bid Gallery Amsterdam.
S predstavo SLAČENJE/OBLAČENJE je bila izbrana bila za plesno platformo New Italian Dance Platform 2019, delo pa je poželo tudi veliko akademskega zanimanja.
Koreografija: Masako Matsushita
Izvedba: Elena Sgarbossa
Glasba: Federico Moschetti
Oblikovanje svetlobe: Maria Virzì
Asistent produkcije: Paolo Paggi
S podporo: Gabriella Biancotto, Lesley Millar, AMAT
Produkcija in rezidence: Teatro Sperimentale, Teatro Persiani, Naturalmente Sana,
Bonnie Bird Theatre
Menedžment in prodaja: ULTRA - Domenico Garofalo
Masako Matsushita's solo is an inquiry into the role of feminine clothing and the body in modern society. Focusing on “cloth migration”, she describes a natural way of dressing and undressing. Strongly present and at the same time absent, the body is the central point of unification, an isthmus which connects and amplifies horizons indicating a crossover. UN/DRESS is a metaphorical performance arising from the fusion of body and object within a moving painting.
Italian-Japanese performer and choreographer, Masako Matsushita creates worlds and atmospheres to explore the presence of the body in time and space. By connecting cultures and aesthetics with her way of constructing structures, her works become moving paintings.
She has been an artist-in-residence in Europe and overseas, presents her own works and has worked in collaboration with other artists in festivals including CivitanovaDanza 2.0 IT, Revnedans e Sånafest (NO), Drodesera35° Motherlode (IT), 16° Quadriennale d'Arte di Roma (IT), Kilowatt Festival (IT), The Erotic Cloth (UK), Swallowsfeet (UK), Neu/Now (NL), ITS (NL), Festival Ammutinamenti (IT), B-motion (IT), Haut Festival (DK). Masako has also choreographed several works for venues and site-specific places. Masako is one of the founders of 4bid Gallery Amsterdam.
She was selected for the New Italian Dance Platform 2019 with UN/DRESS, and the piece has also received academic interest.
Choreography: Masako Matsushita
Performance: Elena Sgarbossa
Music: Federico Moschetti
Light design: Maria Virzì
Production assistant: Paolo Paggi
Supported by: Gabriella Biancotto, Lesley Millar, AMAT
Production and residencies: Teatro Sperimentale, Teatro Persiani, Naturalmente Sana,
Bonnie Bird Theatre
Management and distribution: ULTRA - Domenico Garofalo
SOBOTA, 26. junij 2021 / SATURDAY, 26 June 2021
Anne-Mareike Hess (LU)
Bojevnica / Warrior
Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (Šentjakobski oder) / Ljubljana Puppet Theatre (Šentjakob stage)
40 min
Premamljena s prepričanjem, da je močan silak vse, kar potrebujemo, da opravimo svoje in rešimo svet, nas koreografinja Anne-Mareike Hess povabi na svojo pot preobrazbe v bojevnico. Znotraj izkrivljene, a vendar nežne zvočne kulise nastane globoko poetična podoba človeške krhkosti in notranjega nemira. Plešoče telo, ujeto v večni boj s čustvi.
Moj sovražnik je strah
In jemlje mi sapo
Zato pozivam k boju z ljubeznijo, odprem svoje srce
Zato te pozivam k boju z ljubeznijo, odpri svoje srce
Anne-Mareike Hess je dejavna kot plesalka in koreografinja z ostrim očesom za precizno analizo telesa. Zanimajo jo telesa na robu, dotikanje fizičnih in psiholoških meja ter iskanje preobrazbe.
Izobraževala se je na Konservatoriju in v centru TROIS C-L v Luksemburgu, študij je nadaljevala na Univerzi za glasbo in uprizoritvene umetnosti v Frankfurtu ob Majni in na Meduniverzitetnem centru za ples HZT v Berlinu (magistrski študij koreografije). Anne-Mareike je kot izvajalka sodelovala s številnimi koreografi, s katerimi je nastopila na številnih prestižnih prizoriščih po svetu. Svoja dela je predstavljala tudi na različnih evropskih in kanadskih festivalih in prizoriščih. Dejavna je kot izkušena koreografinja in plesalka, deluje pa tudi kot dramaturginja in inštruktorica več koreografom.
V zadnjih letih je tesno sodelovala s centrom TROIS C-L v Luksemburgu in centrom Skogen v Göteborgu; od leta 2016 je pridružena umetnica pri skupini Weld v Stockholmu, od leta 2020 pa je pridružena umetnica pri centru Neimënster v Luksemburgu. Med letoma 2017 in 2019 je Anne-Mareike podpirala mreža Grand Luxe; pred tem pa je prejela nagrado za nove umetnike fundacije »Stiftung zur Förderung junger Talente« (2012) in nagrado »Danzpraïs« (2015), ki jo podeljuje Ministrstva za kulturo v Luksemburgu.
Koreografija in ples: Anne-Mareike Hess
Oblikovanje zvoka: Marc Lohr
Oblikovanje kostumov: Mélanie Planchard
Oblikovanje svetlobe: Brice Durand
Dramaturgija: Thomas Schaupp
Umetniško svetovanje: Rosalind Goldberg
Vokalna trenerka: Joséphine Evrard
Produkcija: utopic productions
Koprodukcija: Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster, Weld, Skogen
S podporo: Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois - TROIS C-L, Ministère de la Culture Luxembourg, Fonds culturel national Luxembourg, Fondation Indépendance, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee
Artistic Residencies: Dancehouse Melbourne (AUS), Skogen (SE), O espaço do Tempo Montemor-O-Novo (PT)
S podporo mreže Grand Luxe 2017/2018/2019
utopic productions podpira Ministrstvo za kulturo - Luksemburg
Seduced by the belief that a fierce strongman is all we need to get things done and save the
world, choreographer Anne-Mareike Hess takes us on her journey of becoming a warrior. Within a distorted and yet soft soundscape emerges a profoundly poetic image of human fragility and inner disruption. A dancing body caught in a perpetual struggle with its emotions.
My enemy is my fear
And it takes my breath away
So I call to fight with love, open up my heart
I call you to fight with love, open up your heart
Anne-Mareike Hess works as a dancer and choreographer with a keen eye for analysing the body with great precision. Her interest lies in bodies on the edge, touching physical and psychological borders and searching for transformation.
Trained at the Conservatory and at TROIS C-L in Luxembourg, she continued her studies at the HfMDK in Frankfurt/Main and at HZT Inter-University Center for Dance in Berlin (Master in Choreography). As a performer, Anne-Mareike has worked with numerous choreographers with which she has performed in a number of prestigious venues around the world. She has also presented her own work at different festivals and venues in Europe and Canada. Alongside her experience as a choreographer and dancer, she works as a dramaturg and coach for several choreographers.
In recent years she has collaborated closely with TROIS C-L in Luxembourg and Skogen in Gothenburg; and since 2016 she has been an associate artist at Weld in Stockholm and since 2020 she is an associate artist at Neimënster in Luxembourg. Between 2017-19 Anne-Mareike was supported by the Grand Luxe network; and previously, she was awarded with the emerging artists prize “Stiftung zur Förderung junger Talente” (2012) and the “Danzpraïs” (2015) from the Ministry of Culture in Luxembourg.
Choreography and dance: Anne-Mareike Hess
Sound design: Marc Lohr
Costume design: Mélanie Planchard
Light design: Brice Durand
Dramaturgy: Thomas Schaupp
Artistic advice: Rosalind Goldberg
Vocal coach: Joséphine Evrard
Production: utopic productions
Coproduction: Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster, Weld, Skogen
With the support of: Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois - TROIS C-L, Ministère de la Culture Luxembourg, Fonds culturel national Luxembourg, Fondation Indépendance, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee
Artistic Residencies: Dancehouse Melbourne (AUS), Skogen (SE), O espaço do Tempo Montemor-O-Novo (PT)
With the support of the Grand Luxe network 2017/2018/2019
utopic productions benefits from a structural support by the Ministry of Culture Luxembourg
SOBOTA, 26. junij 2021 / SATURDAY, 26 June 2021
Anastasia Valsamaki (GR)
Monolog telesa / Body Monologue
Fabianijev most / Fabiani Bridge
19 min
Kaj lahko doseže telo? To je neodgovorjeno in samoumevno vprašanje, ki ga na oder postavlja solistična predstava Anastasije Valsamaki. S svojo raziskavo pa avtorica Valsamaki ne raziskuje le izraznih sposobnosti telesa, temveč pripoved izzove tudi plesni jezik. S sledenjem strukturi monologa se to delo vrača k predjezikovnemu, zgovornemu molku telesa, ki govori skozi gibanje. Naš pogled privlači tišina, sestavljena iz kretenj, premorov, prilagodljivih oblik in nepoznanih telesnih stanj. Monolog telesa sprejema fluidnost pomenov, ki jih telo sporoča skozi ples.
Naj se loteva krhkega ravnovesja med skupino in posameznikom, ali pa se posveča manj razsežni solistični obliki, v vsakem primeru raziskovanja Anastasije Valsamaki vedno vodi ideja čistega gibanja. Za to mlado koreografinjo ples predstavlja način razmišljanja in opazovanja, kar je nad vsakim pripovednim namenom ali potrebo po zgodbi. Svojo kariero plesalke in učiteljice sodobnega plesa združuje z ustvarjanjem lastnih del.
Anastasia Valsamaki je z odliko diplomirala na Grški nacionalni akademiji za ples (KSOT). Kot plesalka je za plesno skupino Hellenic Dance Company izvedla dela avtorjev Marthe Graham in Antona Lachkyja ter sodelovala z več koreografi, kot so Millicent Hodson in Kenneth Archer, Mina Ananiadou, Kyriaki Nasioula, Stella Fotiadi in drugimi.
Leta 2016 je kot mlada koreografinja debitirala s predstavo Sync, s katero je bila pri plesni mreži Aerowaves izbrana za eno od 20 najperspektivnejših mladih koreografov v Evropi za leto 2017.
Leta 2020 je za 7. festival mladih koreografov Fundacije Onassis ustvarila prestavo DisJoint in zaradi sodelovanja v 3. programu štipendij fundacije SNF (Stavros Niarchos Foundation) na področju umetnosti prejela nagrado ARTWORKS.
Koncept & koreografija: Anastasia Valsamaki
Soustvarjanje & izvedba: Gavriela Antonopoulou
Glasba: Konstantinos Bakogiannis
Kostumi: Eleni Valsamaki
Video, foto in urejanje: Alekos & Christos Bourelias
Predstava je bila premierno uprizorjena 26. maja 2018 na ARC FOR DANCE FESTIVAL v Grčiji.
What can a body do? This is the unanswered and self-evident question that Anastasia Valsamaki’s solo brings to the stage. Through this research, Valsamaki not only explores the body's expressive abilities, but the narrative provokes the dance language as well. Following the structure of the monologue, this work returns to the pre-linguistic, eloquent silence of the body speaking through movement. A silence made of gestures, pauses, malleable forms and unfamiliar body states attracts our gaze. Body monologue embraces the fluidity of meanings the body conveys through dance.
Whether grappling with the fragile balance between the group and the individual or devoting herself to the small-scale solo form, Anastasia Valsamaki’s explorations are always guided by the idea of clean movement. For this young choreographer, dance constitutes a way of thinking and observing, over and above every narrative intention or need for a storyline. She combines her career as a dancer and contemporary dance teacher with creating her own work.
Anastasia Valsamaki graduated with honors from the Greek National School of Dance (KSOT). As a dancer she has performed works by Martha Graham and Anton Lachky for the Hellenic Dance Company and collaborated with several choreographers such as Millicent Hodson & Kenneth Archer, Mina Ananiadou, Kyriaki Nasioula, Stella Fotiadi and more.
In 2016, she made her debut as a young choreographer with Sync, with which she was selected by Aerowaves as one of the 20 most promising emerging choreographers in Europe for 2017.
In 2020, she created DisJoint for the 7th Young Choreographers Festival of the Onassis Foundation and received the ARTWORKS award participating in the 3rd SNF Artist Fellowship Programme.
Concept & Choreography: Anastasia Valsamaki
Co-Creation & Performance: Gavriela Antonopoulou
Music: Konstantinos Bakogiannis
Costume: Eleni Valsamaki
Video, photos, edit: Alekos & Christos Bourelias
Premiered at ARC FOR DANCE FESTIVAL, on 26 May 2018, Greece.
SOBOTA, 26. junij 2021 / SATURDAY, 26 June 2021
Pepelkin Bal Moderne z ustvarjalci Aerowaves / Cinderella's Bal Moderne with Aerowaves Artists
Kongresni trg / Congress Square
Pripravite se na gibanje!
S projektom Bal Moderne, ki sodobni ples približuje širši javnosti, praznujemo preteklo in sedanje ustvarjanje umetnikov pri mreži Aerowaves. To je priložnost, da neposredno in z lastnim telesom doživite delo umetnikov mreže Aerowaves! Presenečeni boste nad svojo prirojeno sposobnostjo za ples!
Vse radovedne vabimo, da se zberejo na Kongresnem trgu, kjer se bodo naučili 4 kratke (od 3 do 4 minute dolge) koreografije, ki so jih posebej za to priložnost pripravili nekdanji in trenutni umetniki mreže Aerowaves, ki bodo udeležence tudi vodili. Vsakega plesa se je mogoče naučiti v približno 25 minutah, učimo pa ga v vzdušju, polnem zabave, ki je povsem v nasprotju z običajnim plesnim poučevanjem ali popularnim plesom v diskoteki.
Na Balu Moderne bomo plesali: 'Codesa' Georgea Mxolisija Khumala, ‘Coeur d'Artichaut' Frédérica Werléja, 'Algo De Mi' Jurija Konjarja in ‘Pepelke’ Alexandra Stavropoulosa.
Get ready to move!
We are celebrating past and present works of Aerowaves artists with Cinderella’s Bal Moderne, a chance to experience the work of Aerowaves artists directly, in your own flesh! You’ll be surprised by your innate ability to dance!
In Ljubljana we invite everyone, from throughout the whole city, to gather at the Congress square to learn 4 short (between 3 and 4 minutes) choreographies tailor-made for the occasion by former and current Aerowaves artists, who will also guide the participants. Each dance takes around 25 minutes to master and is taught in an atmosphere of concentrated fun, totally unlike a conventional dance class or a fashionable discotheque.
At the Bal we will be dancing: ‘Codesa’ by George Mxolisi Khumalo, ‘Coeur d’Artichaut’ by Frédéric Werlé, Jurij Konjar’s ‘Algo De Mi’ and Alexandros Stavropoulos’ ‘Cinderella’s’.
SOBOTA, 26. junij 2021 / SATURDAY, 26 June 2021
Alexandros Stavropoulos (GR)
Pepelke / Cinderella’s
Kongresni trg / Congress Square
30 min
Dobrodošli na minimalistični koreografski izvedbi Disneyjeve Pepelke. Alexandros Stavropoulos stereotipno animirano junakinjo osvobodi tako, da ikoničnemu liku odvzame zgodbo in jo postavi v svet skladbe Music for Pieces of Wood (Glasba za koščke lesa) avtorja Steva Reicha.
Močna zasedba osmih plesalk v oblačilih, ki spominjajo na oblačila za lutke, in z nadetimi blond lasuljami, izvaja koreografske vzorce, ki jih navdihuje animirani film. Izjemno gledljiva Stavropoulosova predstava “Pepelke” izkušnjo poslušanja glasbe podžge z duhovito koreografijo.
Alexandros Stavropoulos je študiral na Državni šoli za ples v Atenah in tam diplomiral leta 2014. Kot plesalec je sodeloval s koreografi, kot so Russell Maliphant, Jasmin Vardimon, Koen Augustignen, Rosalba Guerrero, Hannes Langolf, Andonis Foniadakis, Ermira Gkoro, Alexis Vasiliou, Fotis Nikolaou in drugimi.
Pepelke (2020) je Alexandrosovo Stavropoulosovo prvo koreografsko delo. Ker ga zanima glasbena arhitektura, je njegovo osnovno orodje za ustvarjanje gibanja muzikalnost. Stavropoulos skuša preprostost in geometrijske abstrakcije minimalizma združiti s svetom Walta Disneyja v nam še nepoznano kombinacijo, za katero je sam trdno prepričan, da bo uspešna.
Koreografija & koncept: Alexandros Stavropoulos
Nastopajoči: Lambrini Golia, Maria Kakoliri, Konstadina Liontou, Despoina Lagoudaki, Maria Manoukian, Dafni Stathatou, Stefania Sotiropoulou, Katerina Christoforou
Glasbena kompozicija & zvočno oblikovanje: Konstantina Polychronopoulou
Kostumi: Francesco Infante
Fotografija: Kat Georgoudis, Spyros Chatziangelakis, Dimitris Mamaloukos
Welcome to a minimalistic choreographic take on Disney’s Cinderella. Alexandros Stavropoulos exonerates the stereotypical animated heroine, by depriving the iconic character of its narration and placing it in the world of Steve Reich’s rhythmic score Music for Pieces of Wood.
A strong ensemble of eight dancers in doll-like attire and crowned with blonde wigs embark on choreographic patterns inspired by the animated film. Extremely watchable, Stavropoulos’ Cinderella’s fires up the experience of listening to music with witty choreography.
Alexandros Stavropoulos studied and graduated from the State School of Dance in Athens in 2014. As a dancer he has worked with choreographers such us Russell Maliphant, Jasmin Vardimon, Koen Augustignen, Rosalba Guerrero, Hannes Langolf, Andonis Foniadakis, Ermira Gkoro, Alexis Vasiliou, Fotis Nikolaou and others.
Cinderella's (2020) is Alexandros Stavropoulos’ first choreographic work. Interested in music architecture, musicality is his basic tool to create movement. Stavropoulos is aiming to blend the simplicity and geometric abstractions of Minimalism with Walt Disney's World, an unfamiliar combination but one which he strongly believes will bear fruit.
Choreography & Concept: Alexandros Stavropoulos
Performers: Lambrini Golia, Maria Kakoliri, Konstadina Liontou, Despoina Lagoudaki, Maria Manoukian, Dafni Stathatou, Stefania Sotiropoulou, Katerina Christoforou
Music Composition & Sound Design: Konstantina Polychronopoulou
Costumes: Francesco Infante
Photography: Kat Georgoudis, Spyros Chatziangelakis, Dimitris Mamaloukos
NEDELJA, 27. junij 2021 / SUNDAY, 27 June 2021
12:30, 14:00
Springback Ringside
Joy Alpuerto Ritter (D)
Rhys Dennis, Waddah Sinada / Fubunation (GB)
Ruševine / Ruins
Cankarjev dom / Cankarjev dom
60 min
Joy Alpuerto Ritter, ki jo je navdihnil Ples čarovnice plesalke Mary Wigman, »mojstrovina nenavadnosti«, kot je to poimenovala Judith MacKrell, preučuje podedovane plesne besednjake, s katerimi skuša poosebiti svoj lastni čarovniški značaj. Z združevanjem svojih korenin iz filipinskega ljudskega in klasičnega plesa z gibi iz hip-hopa in plesa vogue skuša na novo interpretirati, kaj pomeni priklicati moč in mistične običaje plesalke kot čarovnice. BABAE, kar v (filipinskem) jeziku Tagalog pomeni »ženska«, je dialog, ki se znotraj ženske odvija med animalističnimi in čutnimi lastnostmi rituala in moči.
Joy Alpuerto Ritter se je rodila v Los Angelesu in odraščala v mestu Freiburg im Breisgau (Nemčija). V mladosti je trenirala balet, jazz, filipinski in polinezijski ljudski ples ter diplomirala na šoli Palucca v Dresdnu. Leta 2011 se je kot plesalka in zračna akrobatka skupini Cirque du Soleil pridružila na svetovni turneji Michael Jackson Immortal World Tour.
Od leta 2013 je dejavna kot plesalka in vodja vaj pri skupini Akram Khan, plesala pa je tudi pri skupini Wangramirez, s katero še naprej nastopa na turnejah po vsem svetu. Za nastop v predstavi Until the Lions režiserja Khana je bila pri National Dance Awards (Združeno kraljestvo) nominirana za nagrado v kategoriji »Izjemna plesalka«.
Koreografija in izvedba: Joy Alpuerto Ritter
Skladatelj glasbe: Vincenzo Lamagna
Oblikovalec svetlobe: Arne Schmitt/ Joy Alpuerto Ritter
Kostumi: Lan Behrendt DYAO
Umetniški asistent: Lukas Steltner
Kustos Springback Ringside: Enya Belak
Vodja fotografije za Springback Ringside: Igor Crnković (Pilot Media)
Inspired by Mary Wigman’s Witch Dance, a "masterpiece of strangeness” as Judith MacKrell put it, Joy Alpuerto Ritter examines inherited dance vocabularies to embody her own witch character. Bringing together her roots in Philippine folk and classical dance with movements from hip hop and voguing; she reimagines what it means to summon the power and mystical practices of a female dancer as a witch. BABAE, which means ‘woman’ in Tagalog (Philippine language), is a one-woman dialogue between the animalistic and sensual qualities of ritual and power.
Joy Alpuerto Ritter was born in Los Angeles and grew up in Freiburg in Breisgau (DE). In her youth she trained in ballet, jazz, Philippine and Polynesian folk dance and graduated at the Palucca School in Dresden. In 2011, she joined Cirque du Soleil as a dancer and aerial artist in the Michael Jackson Immortal World Tour.
Since 2013 she has been a dancer and rehearsal director at the Akram Khan Company and she has danced with the Wangramirez company, with which she continues touring around the world. She has been nominated as an “outstanding female dancer” for Khan’s Until the Lions by the National Dance Awards (UK).
Choreography and performance: Joy Alpuerto Ritter
Music Composer: Vincenzo Lamagna
Lighting Designer: Arne Schmitt/ Joy Alpuerto Ritter
Costume: Lan Behrendt DYAO
Artistic Assistant: Lukas Steltner
Springback Ringside Director: Enya Belak
Springback Ringside Cinematographer: Igor Crnković (Pilot Media)
Waddah Sinada in Rhys Dennis odpirata dialog, ki se osredotoča na mit o moškosti, kot ga občutijo v globalni afriški diaspori. Dekonstruirati skušata boj za prevlado, ki se odvija v njiju samih, in najti ravnovesje med konfliktom, ranljivostjo in medsebojno odvisnostjo. S tem priznavata in odpravljata svojo globoko zasidrano tesnobo, ki sta se jo tako dobro naučila skrivati.
Ruševine je interdisciplinarni projekt, ki se predstavlja skozi nastop v živo, s filmom in fotografijo. To delo priča o generacijski travmi, ki so jo podedovali moški iz marginaliziranih skupin, in skuša ustvariti prostor, kjer je temnopolti moški vidnejši in bolj iskreno predstavljen v vsej svoji kompleksnosti.
FUBUNATION je plesna organizacija s koreninami v gibanju, ki ga vodijo koreografa Rhys Dennis in Waddah Sinada ter kreativni producent Steph Be. Z odkrito in avtentično prestavitvijo svojih lastnih izkušenj kot temnopoltih moških na področju plesa se trudita spodbujati raznolikost pri občinstvu, ki obiskuje plesne in gledališke predstave ter umetniške nastope. Ker se organizacija pretežno ukvarja s filmskimi nastopi in nastopi v živo, spodbuja sodelovanje z vsemi umetniškim oblikami in tako skuša svoje delo približati širšemu občinstvu.
FUBUNATION so prejemniki nagrade The London Borough of Culture Fund Award leta 2020, Conny Janssen Danst Award (leta 2019), predavatelji in rezidenčni umetniki pri teatru Irie Dance Theatre (2020-2022). Njihova dela so bila izvedena v gledališču Rotterdam, na festivalu Pocket Dance Festival (Grčija), v Shoreditch Town Hall, V&A Lates (2019 & 2020), Roundhouse in galeriji Velorose.
Koreografija: Waddah Sinada, Rhys Dennis
Umetniški producent: Steph Be
Oblikovanje zvoka: Sam Nunez
Kustos Springback Ringside: Enya Belak
Vodja fotografije za Springback Ringside: Igor Crnković (Pilot Media)
Waddah Sinada and Rhys Dennis open a dialogue surrounding the myth of masculinity as it is felt within the Pan-African diaspora. They are deconstructing the power struggle within themselves and finding the balance between conflict, vulnerability, and codependency. By doing so, they own and repair their deeper anxieties that they have learned so well to mask.
Ruins' is an interdisciplinary project displayed through live performance, film and photography. This work is a testimony of the generational trauma inherited by men from marginalised groups with the mission of creating a space where the black male figure is more visible and honestly represented in its full complexity.
FUBUNATION is an organisation rooted in movement directed by choreographers Rhys Dennis, Waddah Sinada and creative producer Steph Be. Their aim is to encourage diversity in dance, theatre and performance audiences by sharing openly and authentically their own rich experiences as black men in dance. Having predominantly worked in film and live performance, the organisation embraces collaborations across all art forms in order for the work to be accessible to a wider audience.
FUBUNATION are recipients of The London Borough of Culture Fund Award 2020, Conny Janssen Danst Award (2019), lecturers and artists in residence at Irie Dance Theatre (2020-2022). Their work has been performed at Theatre Rotterdam, Pocket Dance Festival (Greece), Shoreditch Town Hall, V&A Lates (2019 & 2020), Roundhouse and Velorose gallery.
Choreographed by: Waddah Sinada, Rhys Dennis
Creative producer: Steph Be
Sound design: Sam Nunez
Springback Ringside Director: Enya Belak
Springback Ringside Cinematographer: Igor Crnković (Pilot Media)
NEDELJA, 27. junij 2021 / SUNDAY, 27 June 2021
Máté Mászáros (H)
Mehanika razdalje / Mechanics of Distance
Tivolski grad (stopnišče) / Tivoli Castle (staircase)
40 min
Trije izvajalci, ki jih obdaja glasba v živo avtorja Árona Portelekia, nenehno prehajajo med koščki nesmisla vsakdanjega življenja in svečanimi strukturnimi rutinami, s katerimi vas očarajo s plastičnostnim prikazom predstave Mehanika razdalje.
V kakšni razsežnosti je mogoče s plesom raziskovati prostor?
Ob srečanju treh plesalcev in glasbenika v prostoru ima občinstvo možnost, da se jim približa ali pa ostane na razdalji. Trio Mátéja Mászárosa proučuje širok spekter variacij, ki jih statična in premikajoča se telesa lahko ustvarijo v odprtem prostoru. Koreograf za prikaz abstrakcije ločitve, povezanosti ali prepletenosti teh treh likov predstavi niz epizodnih situacij.
Máté Mészáros je leta 1999 diplomiral na Madžarski plesni akademiji. Po treh letih sodelovanja v skupini za sodobni ples Szeged je sodeloval s številnimi plesnimi skupinami po Evropi – Carte Blanche (Norveška), Lanònima Imperial (Španija), Última Vez (Belgija).
Po vrnitvi na Madžarsko leta 2014 je ustvaril svojo delo Hinoki, ki je bilo premierno uprizorjeno v Hiši sodobnih umetnosti Trafó. Njegova naslednja celovečerna predstava z naslovom United Space of Ambivalence (Združeni prostor ambivalence) s petimi plesalci je bila prav tako premierno uprizorjena v Hiši Trafó leta 2018. Njegovo najnovejše delo je trio z naslovom »Mechanics of Distance« (Mehanika razdalje), pri katerem sodelujejo trije plesalci. Je redni gostujoči koreograf pri različnih evropskih plesnih in gledaliških skupinah ter obširno poučuje o partnerskem sodelovanju. Mészáros telo vidi kot strukturni fenomen in v svojih koreografijah telesnost privede do njenih skrajnosti.
Koreografija in koncept: Máté Mászáros
Kreacija in izvedba: Jenna Jalonen, Máté Mészáros, Zsófia Tamara Vadas
Glasba: Áron Porteleki
Svetovalec: Tamás Bakó
Producent: SÍN Arts Centre
Predstava je bila premierno uprizorjena 26. maja 2019 v Nacionalnem plesnem teatru v Budimpešti.
S podporo programa Zoltán Imre Nacionalnega kulturnega sklada.
Embraced by Áron Porteleki’s live music, the three performers constantly shift from hints of everyday life nonsense to solemn structural routines leaving you mesmerised by the Mechanics of Distance’s plasticity.
How much can dance explore a space?
In an encounter between three dancers and a musician in space, the audience have the choice to get up close or stay away. Máté Mászáros’ trio is an inquiry into the wide range of variations that static and moving bodies in an open space can create. To illustrate the abstraction of separation, togetherness or entwinement of these three figures, the choreographer lays out an array of episodic situations.
Máté Mészáros graduated from the Hungarian Dance Academy in 1999. After three years at the Szeged Contemporary Ballet he has worked at various European companies – Carte Blanche (Norway), Lanònima Imperial (Spain), Última Vez (Belgium).
Upon returning to Hungary in 2014 he created his work Hinoki, which premiered at Trafó House of Contemporary Arts. His next full evening show, titled United Space of Ambivalence, with five dancers premiered in 2018 also at Trafó. His recent piece is a trio titled ‘Mechanics of Distance’ with three dancers. He is a regular guest choreographer of various European dance and theatre companies and teaches partnering extensively. Pushing physicality to its limits in his choreography, Mészáros regards the body as a structural phenomenon.
Choreography and concept: Máté Mászáros
Creation and performance: Jenna Jalonen, Máté Mészáros, Zsófia Tamara Vadas
Music: Áron Porteleki
Consultant: Tamás Bakó
Producer: SÍN Arts Centre
Premiered at the National Dance Theatre, Budapest on 26th May, 2019.
With the support of the Zoltán Imre Programme of the National Cultural Fund.
NEDELJA, 27. junij 2021 / SUNDAY, 27 June 2021
Moritz Ostruschnjak (D)
Plesna navodila (Ne bo vedno tako)/ Tanzanweisungen (it won't be like this forever)
Cankarjev dom (Gallusova dvorana) / Cankarjev dom (Gallus hall)
30 min
Predstava Plesna navodila (Ne bo vedno tako) je polna samorefleksivnih in ironičnih navezav. »Ne bo vedno tako« je napis na znaku, ki ga koreograf Moritz Ostruschnjak prenaša po odru, medtem ko plesalec Daniel Conant izvaja Schuhplattler (tradicionalni ljudski ples s Tirolske in Bavarske). Ostruschnjak ostaja zvest svojemu eklektičnemu slogu in svojemu solistu omogoča, da iz plesa Schuhplattler lahkotno preide v skok grand jeté ali iz premikov nog med boksom v plesne gibe breakdanca. Vse skupaj pa povezuje zvok, razbijanje, ploskanje, dihanje, skakanje, poskakovanje, ki v stalnem ritmu zapolni prostor.
Kot da bi bil navit se plesalec neutrudno pomika skozi izredno raznovrsten kanon gibov – pri tem pa se postavlja v položaje upora, boja in zmage, stilistične moškosti, kulture mladih, klasičnega baleta, standardnih plesov in športa. Absurdno zaporedje divergentnih elementov, ki so ironični, ki se presegajo in si nasprotujejo in ki v kombinaciji igrivo a neusmiljeno vodijo v brezno.
Moritz Ostruschnjak se je kot aktiven član na sceni grafitarjev začel zanimati za sodobni ples skozi breakedance. Študiral je na akademiji Iwanson International v Münchnu in se izpopolnjeval pri Mauriceu Béjartu v Lozani. Od leta 2013 je dejaven kot samostojni koreograf. V zadnjih nekaj letih je premierno uprizoril predstave UNSTERN (2018), AUTOPLAY (2019) in solistično predstavo TANZANWEISUNGEN (2020). Njegova dela so bila prikazana na festivalih TANZWERKSTATT EUROPA in RODEO - Münchenski plesni in gledališki festival, produkcija UNSTERN pa je bila predstavljena na festivalu TANZPLATTFORM DEUTSCHLAND 2020. S solistično predstavo TANZANWEISUNGEN je bil eden od izbranih umetnikov Aerowaves Twenti21. Poleg tega je za svoje umetniško delo prejel promocijsko nagrado na festivalu sodobnega plesa v v Münchnu. Moritz Ostruschnjak je član združenja Tanztendenz München e.V. in ga od leta 2019 podpira mreža Grand Luxe.
Koreografija: Moritz Ostruschnjak
Koreografska asistenca: Daniela Bendini
Ples: Daniel Conant
Dramaturški svetovalec: Carmen Kovac
Oblikovanje svetlobe: Benedikt Zehm
Kostumi: Daniela Bendini, Moritz Ostruschnjak
Vodja produkcije: Lara Schubert
Odnosi z javnostmi: Simone Lutz
Produkcija Moritz Ostruschnjak
Ostruschnjaka podpira Réseau Grand Luxe 2019/20 in je član Tanztendenz München e. V.
Predstava je bila premierno uprizorjena v 7. junija 2020 Münchenu.
TANZANWEISUNGEN (Dance Instructions) is full of self-reflective and ironic references. ‘It won't be like this forever’, this is what the sign says, that choreographer Moritz Ostruschnjak carries across the stage, while the dancer Daniel Conant performs a Schuhplattler (a traditional folk dance from Tyrol and Baviera).True to his eclectic style, Ostruschnjak allows his soloist to shift effortlessly from a Schuhplattler to a grand jeté or from boxing footwork to breakdance moves. Tying it all together is the sound, the pounding, clapping, breathing, jumping, bouncing that fills the space in a consistent rhythm.
As if he had been wound up, the dancer tirelessly works his way through an extremely diverse canon of movement –adopting poses of resistance, combat and victory, stylised masculinity, youth culture, classical ballet, ballroom dancing and sports. An absurd sequence of divergent elements that are ironical, that over reach and contradict each other and that, in combination, playfully yet relentlessly lead into an abyss.
As an active member of the graffiti sprayer scene, Moritz Ostruschnjak developed his interest in contemporary dance through breakdancing. He studied at Iwanson International in Munich and completed his training with Maurice Béjart in Lausanne. Since 2013 he has been working as a freelance choreographer. In the last few years he has premiered the productions UNSTERN (2018), AUTOPLAY (2019) and the solo TANZANWEISUNGEN (2020). His works have been shown at TANZWERKSTATT EUROPA and RODEO - Munich Dance and Theatre Festival, the production UNSTERN was presented at TANZPLATTFORM DEUTSCHLAND 2020. With the solo TANZANWEISUNGEN he has been selected as one of the Aerowaves Twenty21 Artists. In addition, he was awarded with the Promotion Award Dance of the City of Munich for his artistic work. Moritz Ostruschnjak is a member of Tanztendenz München e.V. and has been supported by the network Grand Luxe since 2019.
Choreography: Moritz Ostruschnjak
Choreographic Assistance: Daniela Bendini
Dance: Daniel Conant
Dramaturgical adviser: Carmen Kovac
Light design: Benedikt Zehm
Costume: Daniela Bendini, Moritz Ostruschnjak
Production management: Lara Schubert
Public relations: Simone Lutz
A Moritz Ostruschnjak production
Ostruschnjak is supported by Réseau Grand Luxe 2019/20 and a member of Tanztendenz München e. V.
Premiered in Munich, 7 June 2020
NEDELJA, 27. junij 2021 / SUNDAY, 27 June 2021
Emese Cuhorka & Csaba Molnár (H)
Mojstrovina / Masterwork
Center kulture Španski borci / Španski Borci Cultural Centre
40 min
Jedro dueta Emese Cuhorka in Csabe Molnárja, Mojstrovina, tvorijo sklicevanje na dogajanje v kulturi in nenavadni gibi. Delo, ki se razvija skozi niz vinjet, raziskuje načine, kako lahko telo odvrže kulturne pomene in simbole, ki se projecirajo nanj skozi čas. Z uporabo predmetov, kot so kostumi, ki preprečujejo gibanje, telo v vrtincu funkcionalnih ovir preoblikuje svojo avtonomijo.
Vsako telo je samostojna mojstrovina, ki jo ustvarita telo samo in okolica. Cuhorka and Molnár s spreminjanjem telesa manipulirata z okolico in si jemljeta svobodo do ponovne opredelitve.
Plesalka, učiteljica in koreografinja Emese Cuhorka je leta 2011 diplomirala na Akademiji za sodobni ples v Budimpešti. Z Adrienn Hód sodeluje od leta 2007, od leta 2009 pa je članica skupine Hodworks. Cuhorka, ki jo zanima eksperimentiranje z oblikami in formati izvedb, sodeluje z gledališkimi skupinami, kot so TÁP Színház, Dollár Papa Gyermekei, in redno poučuje sodobni ples ter improvizacijo za amaterje in profesionalce. Prejela je nagrade, kot sta nagrada Rudolfa Lábana na Madžarskem in posebna nagrada, ki jo podeljujejo madžarski gledališki kritiki.
Plesalec in koreograf Csaba Molnár si prizadeva za uskladitev radikalnih skrajnosti. Zanima ga predvsem raziskovanje, kako lahko različni načini izražanja, kadar jih postavimo skupaj, najbolj zasebni fenomen človekovega življenja spremenijo v univerzalno in osvobajajočo gledališko izkušnjo. Svoje poklicno izobraževanje je začel na Akademiji za sodobni ples v Budimpešti, plesno izobrazbo pa zaključil z dvoletnim programom pri P.A.R.T.S v Bruslju. Leta 2010 je postal član madžarske skupine Hodworks. Njegova lastna koreografska dela vključujejo KITTY2012, Decameron in The ox. Csaba Molnár je soustvarjalec osmih del, ki so prejela letno nagrado Rudolfa Lábána za najboljšo madžarsko predstavo sodobnega plesa v sezoni, izvedel in soustvaril pa je šest del, ki jih je izbrala mreža Aerowaves.
Koncept, koreografija in izvedba: Emese Cuhorka, Csaba Molnár
Zvok: Ábris Gryllus
Oblikovanje luči: Kata Dézsi
Kostumi: Csenge Vass
Vodja projekta: László Fülöp
S podporo: Zoltán Imre Program, National Cultural Fund of Hungary, SÍN Arts and Culture Center, Workshop Foundation, Trafó - House of Contemporary Arts, Off Foundation and Collegium Hungaricum Berlin
Cultural references and whimsical movement are at the core of Emese Cuhorka & Csaba Molnár’s duet MASTERWORK. Unfolding through a set of vignettes, the piece explores ways in which the body sheds cultural meanings and symbols projected upon it over the course of time. By using objects as costumes that block movement, the body reshapes its autonomy in a flurry of functional obstructions.
Each and every body is a masterpiece in its own right, created by the self and the environment. By modifying the body, Cuhorka and Molnár manipulate the surroundings and summon the freedom to redefine.
Dancer, teacher and choreographer, Emese Cuhorka graduated from the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy in 2011. She has worked with Adrienn Hód since 2007 and has been a member of Hodworks since 2009. Interested in experimenting with forms and performance formats, Cuhorka collaborates with theater companies such as TÁP Színház, Dollár Papa Gyermekei and she regularly teaches contemporary dance and improvisation for amateurs and professionals. She gained awards such as the Rudolf Lábán Award in Hungary and the Special Prize of the Hungarian Theatre Critics Awards.
Dancer and choreographer, Csaba Molnár strives for reconciling radical extremes. His main interest is to explore how different ways of expression, when juxtaposed, may transform the most private phenomena of human life into a universal and liberating theatrical experience.
He began his professional training at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy, and completed his dance education with a two year programme at P.A.R.T.S in Brussels. In 2010 became a member of the Hungarian company Hodworks. His own choreographic works include KITTY2012, Decameron and The ox. Csaba Molnár is co-creator of eight pieces that received the annual Rudolf Lábán Award for the best Hungarian contemporary dance performance of the season, and he has performed and co-created six pieces which have been selected by Aerowaves.
Concept, choreography, performance: Emese Cuhorka, Csaba Molnár
Sound: Ábris Gryllus
Lighting designer: Kata Dézsi
Costume: Csenge Vass
Project Manager: László Fülöp
Supported by Zoltán Imre Program, National Cultural Fund of Hungary, SÍN Arts and Culture Center, Workshop Foundation, Trafó - House of Contemporary Arts, Off Foundation and Collegium Hungaricum Berlin.
NEDELJA, 27. junij 2021 / SUNDAY, 27 June 2021
Poliana Lima (E)
Stvari se premikajo, vendar nič ne rečejo / Things Move but they do not say anything
Center kulture Španski borci / Španski Borci Cultural Centre
40 min
Osem žensk, omejenih na prostor, se predaja neskončnemu gibanju. Jedro koreografske strukture predstave Stvari se premikajo, vendar nič ne rečejo predstavljajo teme, kot so trajnost, upor, identiteta in drugačnost.
Koreografinja Poliana Lima, ki skozi minimalistične in ponavljajoče se vzorce preučuje geste, sestavi partituro, sestavljeno iz gibanja in zvoka, ki gradi trajno in atmosferično potovanje skozi različna fizična stanja. Iz te formalne vaje, ki jo izvajajo plesalke, se rodijo napetost, agonija in osvoboditev. Lahko se vprašamo, ali se predstava Stvari se premikajo, vendar nič ne rečejo loteva perečega vprašanja: kakšno je mesto žensk v družbi, v kateri živimo?
Poliana Lima je koreografinja, plesalka in učiteljica, ki živi v Madridu. Ples je zanjo orodje za pogovor o človeškosti in skrivnosti našega obstoja. Lima v svojem delu skozi identiteto in spomin, ki sta zanjo ključna vidika za povezovanje z občinstvom, preučuje možnosti visoko funkcionalne minimalistične poetike telesa. Te teme predstavljajo tudi njen pedagoški pristop h koreografiji, nastopu in poučevanju. Diplomirala je iz družbenih ved na Državni univerzi v Campinasu in v Sao Paulu trenirala klasični balet in sodobni ples.
Leta 2011 je pripravila svojo prvo stvaritev, kratko delo Palo En La Rueda. Leto pozneje je začela sodelovati z litovskim koreografom Ugnejem Dievaitytejem, s katerim je ustvarila predstavi Es Como Ver Nubes in Flesh. Leta 2014 je Lima premierno predstavila svoje prvo delo Atávico, za katero je prejela prvo nagrado in nagrado občinstva, na 29. tekmovanju Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid pa je prejela nagrado po izboru kritikov. Prva različica dela Stvari se premikajo, vendar nič ne rečejo je bila ustvarjena leta 2016 za laboratorij Laboratorio 180. Leta 2020 je predelala svoje delo Stvari se premikajo, vendar nič ne rečejo in ga predstavila v plesnem centru Center National de la Danse v Parizu.
Koreografinja: Poliana Lima
Oblikovalec svetlobe: Carlos Marquerie
Oblikovalec zvoka: Arne Bock
Oblikovalka kostumov: Anais Zebrowski
Nastopajoči: Ada Continente Horna, Carla Diego Luque, Laura Cardona Salas, Maddi Ruiz de Loizaga Goikoetxea, Danielle Pereira Mesquita de Sousa, Natalia do nascimento Fernandes, Isabela Goncalves Rossi, Almudena Pérez San Vicente
Koprodukcija: Teatros del Canal (Spain), CND/Pantin- Paris - with the support of Porosus Fonds de Dotation. (France) and Festival Dias de Dança, (Portugal)
S podporo: Acción Cultural Española (AC/E)
Confined to the spot, eight women engage in endless motion. Permanence, resistance, identity and difference are themes at the core of the choreographic structure of Things move but they do not say anything.
Exploring gestures through minimalist and repetitive patterns, the choreographer Poliana Lima composes a score made of movement and sound which builds an enduring and atmospheric journey through different physical states. From this formal exercise carried out by female dancers, tension, agony and release emerge. One may wonder if Things move but they do not say anything tackles the pressing question: what is a women's place in the society we live in?
Poliana Lima is a choreographer, dancer and teacher based in Madrid. Dance, for her, is a tool to talk about the human condition and the mystery of our existence. In her work, Lima explores the possibilities of a highly functioning minimalistic poetics of the body through identity and memory as the key aspects to connect with audiences. These themes also inform her pedagogic approaches to choreographing, performing and teaching. She holds a degree in Social Sciences from the State University of Campinas and trained in classical ballet and contemporary dance in Sao Paulo.
In 2011 she made her first creation, the short piece Palo En La Rueda. A year later, she began to collaborate with the Lithuanian choreographer Ugne Dievaityte with whom she created Es Como Ver Nubes and Flesh. In 2014, Lima premiered her first ensemble piece, Atávico, awarded with the first prize, the Audience Award and was the Critics’ choice at the 29th Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid. The first version of Things move but don't say anything was created in 2016 for Laboratorio 180. She re-worked Things move but do not say anything in 2020, which she has presented at the Center National de la Danse in Paris.
Choreographer: Poliana Lima
Light designer: Carlos Marquerie
Sound designer: Arne Bock
Costume designer: Anais Zebrowski
Performers: Ada Continente Horna, Carla Diego Luque, Laura Cardona Salas, Maddi Ruiz de Loizaga Goikoetxea, Danielle Pereira Mesquita de Sousa, Natalia do nascimento Fernandes, Isabela Goncalves Rossi, Almudena Pérez San Vicente
Co-production: Teatros del Canal (Spain), CND/Pantin- Paris - with the support of Porosus Fonds de Dotation. (France) and Festival Dias de Dança, (Portugal)
With the support of: Acción Cultural Española (AC/E)
Produkcija festivala / Festival production: Aerowaves, Zavod EN-KNAP
Umetniški vodja Španskih borcev in direktor Zavoda EN-KNAP / EN-KNAP Productions Managing Director, Španski Borci Cultural Centre Artistic Director: Iztok Kovač
Direktorica Španskih borcev, vodja programa in produkcije Zavoda EN-KNAP / Španski Borci Cultural Centre Director, EN-KNAP Productions - Programme Manager and Head of Productions: Marjeta Lavrič
Izvršna produkcija/ Executive producer: Karmen Keržar, Goran Pakozdi
Stiki z javnostjo in uredništvo / Public Relations and Editing : Nina Smerkol
Tehnični koordinator / Technical Coordinator: Jaka Šimenc
Tehnična izvedba / Technicians: Borut Cajnko, Leon Curk, Luka Curk, Tomo Hrovat, Omar Ismail, Hotimir Knific, Janko Oven, Gal Škrjanec Skaberne, Fabijan Purg, Špela Škulj, Miha Zupan
Vodja financ / Head of finance: Julija Travančić
Strokovna sodelavka za finančno in poslovno vodenje / Expert associate for Finances and Business management: Zala Česnik
Programsko vodenje in koordinacija izobraževalnih dejavnosti / Program Management and Coordination of Educational activities: Katja Gabrijelčič
Prevodi / Translation: Maja Miklavc
Sponzor / Sponsor: B&B Hotel Ljubljana Park
Program Zavoda EN-KNAP, upravitelja Španskih borcev, finančno podpirata: Mestna občina Ljubljana – oddelek za kulturo, ki podpira tudi dejavnost Španskih borcev, in Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije. / The programme of EN-KNAP Productions, administrator of Španski Borci, is financially supported by: City of Ljubljana – Department of Culture and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
Direktor / Director: John Ashford
Vodja administracije / Administrative Director: Anna Arthur
Vodja komunikacije / Communications Manager: Clàudia Brufau Bonet
Vodja Springback Academy in producentka Bal Moderne / Springback Academy Director and Bal Moderne Producer: Oonagh Duckworth
Urednik Springback Academy / Springback Magazine Editor: Sanjoy Roy
Kustos Springback Ringside in Aerowaves 25 years Exhibition / Springback Ringside and 25 years of Aerowaves Exhibition Curator: Enya Belak
Vodja fotografije za Springback Ringside / Springback Ringside Cinematographer: Igor Crnković (Pilot Media)
Poročevalka za Springback Social / Springback Social Presenter: Beatrix Joyce
Tehnična podpora za Springback Social / Springback Social Technical Support: Petra Hanzlíková
25 years of Aerowaves Exhibition pomočnik kustosa / 25 years of Aerowaves Exhibition Assistant Curator: Dany Mitzman
25 years of Aerowaves urednik video vsebin / 25 years of Aerowaves Video Editor: María Alonso Araujo
Aerowaves financira program Evropske Unije – Ustvarjalna Evropa / Aerowaves is funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union